Goals before 30

Well, its a new month and I just turned 29 on April 4th.  There are so many different big and small goals that I have set for myself to accomplish by the time I turn 30.  I have already started working on some of them, and I’m aware that some of the bigger ones I may continue working on for years.

I know it isn’t the normal time of year to talk about goals or aspirations for the year ahead, but I figured now is as good of a time as ever — so here are some of the things that I would like to work on for the year ahead —

  • Read at least 1 book a month — preferably something in regards to personal development or health/fitness/wellness. Some of the books on my list to read:  Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, How to get out of your own way by Tyrese Gibson, and You are a Badass by Jen Sincero.  I would love to hear some personal development titles from you.
  • Be around 25% Body Fat — When I started at FXB in Oct 2017, I was about 47% BF, after the 10 week challenge, break, and an 8 week challenge I ended up at 37% BF.
  • “Get out of my own way” — This will most likely be an on going goal for a while, but I will definitely be working on this a lot this year.  I have built invisible walls that are holding me back in a few aspects of my life.  I plan to break down those walls.  I want to become a more confident person all around, but especially at work.
    • Another goal that goes along with the above is Love Myself more — everyone around me sees me as a great person — I just need to see that and believe in myself.  I have been told that I need to “believe to achieve” — so that is what we will do.  It won’t happen over night, but the more I practice it the more it will become natural as with anything.

These are just a few of the things I will be working on accomplishing or at least making progress toward achieving by the time I am 30.