What has been going on with me

Hello all!! Sorry I have been MIA for a while.  So much has happened since I last made a post… where do I begin….

Well, at the end of the last FIT challenge at Farrell’s, there was a training that came up to become a kickboxing instructor.  I was scared, but I decided that now is as good a time as ever.  I have taught 6 full classes on my own and have a few more currently on the schedule.  So far I love instructing, it brings out a more outgoing and confident side of me.  Sure I’m a little nervous every time I put that microphone on to teach a class, but once I get started its all good.  I am so thankful for all the people that believed in me, even though I didn’t.  It sure makes me feel so happy that I have such a large number of people that push, inspire, and motivate me to do my best.

Since I have started instructing kickboxing at FXB, it has motivated me to start thinking about yoga more often, and possibly work on finding the courage to teach that — even in a community ed or just for fun setting.  I have my certification.. maybe now is the time to do something with it.

Well, after I completed the first three kickboxing classes, we went on a family vacation to Branson, MO to visit family friends. I was excited to have a vacation, but also not excited to miss my morning FXB workout for 9 days in a row — especially since I had not missed a workout all year.  I know that it is good to have balance, and I think it was good for me in the long run to have a vacation from FXB — I was able to sleep in, and we all know how great sleep is for you!

Our vacation was great, I worked out a couple times, but definitely not as hard as I would have back home — at least I was getting activity in.  I was even able to get a couple small runs in which felt really good, since I had kind of fallen off the running wagon.  Which brings me to now, last weekend a good FXB friend of mine talked me into signing up for the Twin Cities 10 mile drawing.  How it works is if your “team” is chosen in the drawing, then you are able to run in the TC 10 mile. I kept telling her how nervous I was, and that I couldn’t run 10 miles… that’s almost a Half Marathon.  She consistently would tell me to stop telling myself that I couldn’t do it, she also told me to believe in myself, because she does. Well to make a long story short — our team was one of the many chosen to run the TC 10 mile.  Let the training begin!

I haven’t been running as long of distances as I should be at this point, but at least I’m running some.  My goal for the TC 10 mile is just to finish the race — I will not beat myself up if I walk/run the whole thing.

Along with that training, a new FIT challenge has begun at FXB.  This time it is FIT Olympics.  We each pick a few categories to “compete” in and there will be prizes for the winners as usual.  I also decided to go in on a small challenge with some of my girl FXB friends based strictly on weight loss. So far, I have been running at least twice a week as well as being more strict with myself on food.

Also, in regards to being a Kickboxing instructor, every class feels different to me, and the more classes I teach the more comfortable I am.  I love every second of it, I have a lot of fun doing it and hope that the FXB members taking my classes have fun taking my classes too.

I am so thankful for my fitness family, they are amazing and are always lifting me up.  This morning 4 of us ran 1.59 miles before LEG DAY… well it turned out to be my fastest mile time ever 10 min 15 sec — all because when you work out with others you knowingly and unknowingly push each other, and that’s what makes it so great!

Find things in your life that you enjoy, and that you can be with others — find balance in your life between work and play.  I haven’t been blogging as much as I originally wanted, but I WILL commit more of my time to focus on this blog — my next post will be something in regards to food. YUM! 🙂



Personal FIT challenge results — and learning moments

I have so many thoughts and emotions going through my head so I figured I would just write it all down.  Those that know me, know that I don’t have a lot of love for myself, and I never really feel proud of myself.   I am working on that. It is really hard for me to take compliments.  Also, when I make goals and then don’t reach them by the time I have set out to reach them — I get disappointed in myself, and kinda beat myself up.

The most recent FIT challenge has just come to a close.  The goals that I set for myself were the following:  Lose 10 lbs of weight, and down 2% body fat.  Well — what actually happened was I ended up down 9.1 lbs of weight, and down 1.9% body fat.  I should have immediately been really proud of what I accomplished, but I wasn’t.  Why??

We are all our own worst critic.   I feel so lucky to have so many close friends and immediate family that tell me all the time how great I’m doing, and that I’m amazing. When they tell me these things, I usually just brush it off, probably roll my eyes, and say thanks.  To all of you — I’m sorry that it is so hard for me to take compliments.  In my heart, I really love having others notice my progress, because it feels really good.  However, in my head — I don’t BELIEVE in myself, so therefore not in agreement with the compliments. I am working on this, because it really does all start and end in your mind.  Believing that you can do it, believing that you deserve it, and believing that you will get it.

The next FIT challenge starts in approximately 5 weeks —  a lot of changes have already started in my mindset.  I will be proud of myself through all of my accomplishments — small or large.  I can do this!! I’m half way through the 10K challenge through FXB.  I want to win this!  I need to buckle down my nutrition and have very minimal cheats.  I know that I need to tweak a couple things with my nutrition, but I also know that I have the support to help me kill these last 6 months of the 10K challenge!!!

More to come soon about other new happenings in my gym life. Stay tuned 🙂